
One of the most powerful features of Goat is the ability to use variables from the state in almost every value field in a request definition.

These values are substituted using the powerful templating engine of Go. We will only go over the most basic syntax. Please review the Go template documentation for full details.


Template parameters in Goatfiles are defined inside double-braces ({{ }}). Variables from the state are referenced using a dot notation. Let's take a look at the following example.

We have the following state.

instance: "http://example.com"

  username: "foobar"
  password: "password"

Now, we can reference the values in our state as follows:

POST {{.instance}}/api/v1/auth/login

  "username": "{{.credentials.username}}"
  "password": "{{.credentials.password}}"

Functions can be called using the name of the function followed by the parameters separated by spaces. Lets take a look at an example.

We assume the following state:

name: "Max"
{{ printf "Hello, %s!" .name }}

This will result in the string value "Hello, Max!".

As you can see, you can use the built-in templating functions provided by Go.
There are also a lot of built-in functions provided by Goat which you can use in your Goatfiles.