
RequestOptions :
[Script] NL+ RequestScriptContent

RequestScriptContent :
BlockDelimitedContent | UndelimitedContent

BlockDelimitedContent :
BlockDelimiter NL /.*/ NL BlockDelimiter

UndelimitedContent :
(/.*/ NL)* NL

BlockDelimiter :


assert(response.StatusCode === 200, `Response status code was ${response.StatusCode}`);
assert(response.Body.UserName === "Foo Bar");


A script section which is executed after a request has been performed and a response has been received. This is generally used to assert response values like status codes, header values or body content.

Scripts are written in ES5.1 conform JavaScript.

The context of the script always contains the current values in the batch state as global variables.

A special variable set in each [Script] section is the response variable, which contains all information about the request response. The Response object contains the following fields.

type Response struct {
	StatusCode    int
	Status        string
	Proto         string
	ProtoMajor    int
	ProtoMinor    int
	Header        map[string][]string
	ContentLength int64
	BodyRaw       []byte
	Body          any

Body is a special field containing the response body content as a JavaScript object which will be populated if the response body can be parsed. Parsers are currently implemented for json and xml and are chosen depending on the responsetype option or the Content-Type header. If neither are set, the raw response string gets set as Body. By setting the responsetype to raw, implicit body parsing can be prevented.

In any script section, a number of built-in functions like assert can be used, which are documented here.

If a script section throws an uncaught exception, the test will be evaluated as failed.