
RequestOptions :
[Auth] NL+ RequestAuthContent

RequestAuthContent :


username = "foo"
password = "{{.credentials.password}}"


Auth is a utility block for easily defining basic or token authorization. When defined, the Authorization header will be set accordingly to the request.

Basic Auth

If you want to add basic auth to your request, simply define a username and password. If both values are set, the username and password are joined by a : and encoded using end-padded base64. The encoded value is then set to the Authorization header using the basic auth type (as defined in RFC 7671).


username = "foo"
password = "bar"

his input will result in the following header.

Authorization: basic Zm9vOmJhcg==

Token Auth

You can also specify a token set as Authorization header. If defined, the token will be prefixed with a token type.


type = "bearer"
token = "foobarbaz"

This input will result in the following header.

Authorization: bearer foobarbaz
token = "foobarbaz"

This input will result in the following header.

Authorization: foobarbaz