Execute Statement


ExecuteExpression :
execute StringLiteral

Parameters :
( (KeyValuePair (WS|NL)+ )* ) ReturnStatement?

ReturnStatement :
( (ReturnPair (WS|NL)+ )* )

ReturnPair :
StringLiteral as StringLiteral

KeyValuePair :
StringLiteral WS* = WS* StringLiteral


execute "../utils/login" (
) return (
  userId as userId


The execute statement allows to run an external Goatfile inside another Goatfile in its own state context. Parameters for the executed Goatfile can be passed and values in the resulting state can be taken over into the calling Goatfile's state.

In contrast to the use directive, the executed Goatfile A is run like a completely separate Goatfile execution with its own isolated state which does not share any values with the state of the executing file B. All parameters which shall be available in A must be passed as a list of key-value pairs. Resulting state values of A can then be captured by the state of B by listing them in the return statement with the name of the parameter in the state of A and the name the value shall be accessible under in B.

Executed Goatfiles are parsed in place, so they are only statically checked once they are executed within the executing Goatfile.