Command Line Tool

The goat command is used to create, validate and execute Goatfiles.

You can pass one or multiple Goatfiles or directories as positional arguments. For example:

goat issue_32.goat tests/integrationtests

When passing in a directory, Goat will look for any *.goat files recursively. Files and directories prefixed with an underscore (_) are ignored. This is especially useful for Goatfiles which are only supposed to be imported or executed in other Goatfiles. If you want to read more about this, take a look into the Project Structure section.


In the following, further information is provided about the various flags which can be passed to the goat CLI.

  • -a ARGS, --args ARGS
    Pass params into the execution as key-value pairs. If you want to pass multiple args, specify each pair with its own parameter.
    Example: -a hello=world -a -a "user.password=bar bazz"

  • --delay DELAY, -d DELAY
    Delay all requests by the given duration. The duration is formatted according to the format of Go's time.ParseDuration function.
    Example: -d 1m30s

  • --dry
    Only parse the Goatfile(s) without executing any requests.

  • --gradual, -g
    Advance the execution of each request manually via key-presses.

  • --json
    Use JSON format instead of pretty console format for logging.

  • --loglevel LOGLEVEL, -l LOGLEVEL
    Logging level. Here you can see which values you can use for log levels.
    Example: -l trace

  • --new
    Create a new base Goatfile. When a file directory name is passed as positional parameter, the new Goatfile will be created under that directory name.

  • --no-abort
    Do not abort the batch execution on error.

  • --no-color
    Suppress colored log output.

  • --params PARAMS, -p PARAMS
    Pass parameters defined in parameter files. These can be either TOML, YAML or JSON files. If you want to pass multiple parameter files, specify each one with its own parameter.
    Example: -p ./local.toml -p ~/credentials.yaml

  • --profile PROFILE, -P PROFILE
    Use parameters from profiles defined in a profile config in your home's configuration directory. Here you can read more about how profiles work.
    Example: -P foo -P bar

  • --reduced-errors, -R
    Hide template errors in teardown steps. This can be useful when running tests to hide some noise from failing teardown steps due to missing variables.

  • --silent, -s
    Disable all logging output. Only print and println statements will be printed. This is especially useful if you want to use Goatfiles within other scripts.

  • --skip SKIP
    Section(s) to be skipped during execution.
    Example: --skip teardown

  • --secure
    Enable TLS certificate validation.

  • --help, -h
    Display the help message.

  • --version
    Display the installed version.